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P O R K    C H O P S

Box - Diced Tomatoes.png



Heat olive oil in a sauté pan large enough to accommodate all pork chops.  Turn the chops in the flour coating both sides.  Place the chops in the pan along with the sage leaves and cook until they are golden brown, approximately 2-3 minutes per side.  Add SMT Diced Tomatoes, a pinch of salt and a few grindings of fresh pepper and simmer for 1 hour, turning chops from time to time.



  • 3 Tbsp olive oil

  • 4 Pork Chops with bone

  • 3/4 cup quinoa flour* or all purposed unbleached flour

  • 6 sage leaves

  • 1 Can SMT Diced Tomatoes

     *if made with quinoa flour         recipe is gluten free

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